How to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles

How to Prevent and Treat Wrinkles

written by Global Glam September 13, 2022

Wrinkles are those folds and creases we get as we age, thanks to a skin elasticity loss over time. You will usually notice wrinkles first in areas where the skin naturally folds.

Also, when we expose areas of our body to the sun, they become more prone to getting wrinkled.

Wrinkles are inevitable as we age. But a lot of us will rather not have them. So, this article is for us to learn the causes of wrinkles and how to prevent and treat them.

prevent wrinkles

Why Do We Get Wrinkles?

The skin’s ability to defend itself against harm decreases with age due to skin becoming thinner, drier, and less elastic. Hence, wrinkles are formed.

Other reasons are environmental, genetic, and behavioral factors, including smoking, dehydration, sun exposure, and some medications.


Lifestyle choices can either delay the appearance of wrinkles or prevent them from ever appearing.

Avoid smoking

The American Academy of Dermatology (AAD) discovered in a study that smoking accelerates the skin’s aging process.

Reduce stress

One of the most natural ways to prevent wrinkles is to reduce stress. When someone is under stress, their body releases the hormone cortisol, which has the potential to damage the collagen in their skin.

Take less alcohol

Alcohol use can lead to dehydration, dry skin, and make it appear older. Reduce or stop drinking alcohol to prevent wrinkles.

Eat a balanced diet

A healthy diet of foods high in antioxidants will help lessen wrinkles. Antioxidants shield the skin against free radical damage, which can prevent wrinkling and skin damage.

Reduce sugar

According to the AAD, a diet high in sugar or refined carbs can hasten aging. To help prevent wrinkles on the skin, they advise staying away from meals and beverages that include them.

Don’t tan

Exposure to damaging UV rays happens when you get a tan, whether outside or in a tanning bed. These rays speed up aging and can lead to skin cancer, wrinkles, age spots, and blotchy skin.

Apply sunscreen to your skin

Use sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 30 daily.

When outside, apply sunscreen to any exposed skin that is not covered by clothing.

How to Treat Wrinkles

Several treatments can help to smooth out fine lines on the skin. Deeper wrinkles may require more severe treatments, such as plastic surgery or filler injections.

Below are some ways to treat wrinkles medically:


A facelift, also called a rhytidectomy, is a cosmetic surgery intended to improve one’s appearance. Typically, it entails trimming the underlying tissues while removing some facial skin and fat.


Retinol and other retinoids included in creams can stimulate the body’s collagen production, which delays the onset of wrinkles. As the first line of treatment, dermatologists recommend them.

The chemical peel

A chemical peel can reduce many aging symptoms on the hands, neck, chest, and face. The skin layers are stripped away during these procedures.

Laser therapy

Laser therapy produces the quickest results of all skin-tightening techniques. Within two weeks, fewer wrinkles will be noticeable after healing. There is a 5-7-day downtime associated with this, though.


By relaxing the muscles in the face, Botox, or botulinum toxin therapy, helps to reduce the appearance of aging.

After the operation, you can resume most daily activities, and results may start to show up in three days.

How to Treat Wrinkles on Your Own

You can take steps on your own to slow down the aging process.

Routine skincare

Regular moisturizing helps delay the appearance of wrinkles in the skin. Use skincare products appropriate for your skin’s needs and introduce new items one at a time.

You can learn more about your skin’s needs at Here you’ll find everything you need to know when shopping for new beauty products.

Using too many products, especially too many anti-aging creams, can irritate the skin and intensify the manifestations of aging.

Usually, products take a few weeks to start working.


Adequate sleep is your best bet in fighting wrinkles. Studies on sleep suggest that some sleeping positions can speed up the development of facial wrinkles.

You could reduce your chances of getting wrinkles when you sleep in certain ways. They include:

  • lying flat on your back
  • using a special pillow that prevents facial distortion
  • or using a silk pillowcase


Microneedling was formerly exclusively performed by professionals. However, it is now possible to do this yourself.

Tiny and sterile needles are used in micro-needling to make very small skin punctures. These punctures set off a healing process that regenerates the skin cells.


Wrinkles are a normal part of aging, but we would rather be free of them.

Try natural treatments and lifestyle adjustments to treat and prevent wrinkles. Consult a dermatologist to provide medication if these don’t work.

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