Time For Revenge Shopping, Revenge Dressing, and Revenge Glamour

Time For Revenge Shopping, Revenge Dressing, and Revenge Glamour

written by Global Glam June 21, 2021

We’ve missed so many things during the course of the ongoing pandemic; walking around without a mask, traveling and so many other things. One of the most annoying, especially to the economy, was our inability to walk around and shop in-store. Now that the U.S. is slowly heading towards our “new normal” and more people are getting vaccinated by the day, stores are slowly going back to normal as well. By normal, I mean that we are slowly going back to where we don’t have to wait in line for every store we want to go into. So what does that translate to? Revenge shopping and Revenge Dressing…Leading to Revenge Glamour

What is revenge shopping? You may ask. Revenge shopping is not, as you may think, taking your ex’s credit card and spending it willy-nilly. Rather, it’s revenge on 2020 slash the beginning of 2021; those long, hard months where we couldn’t shop or eat out whenever we wanted. It’s making up for lost time and wanting to enjoy the newfound sense of freedom we’re feeling these days. It’s about getting to wear all those cute outfits that we missed out on wearing by having to stay at home for so long. 

The irony is that the only “revenge” that’s taking place is on our credit card statements. While it’s a great trend for an economy that’s eager to make up for lost revenue, for the average person it’s something to be wary of. 

Shopping therapy, while enjoyable in the moment, has a very temporary effect, and can often leave us feeling more drained than we were in the first place. Like all good things, it’s important to take everything in moderation. 

Enjoy window shopping, enjoy going out to dinner with friends again and remember to take slow steps as we ease ourselves into our new normal.

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