Radiant Skin Year Round ~ Spring Clean Your Skincare Now

Radiant Skin Year Round ~ Spring Clean Your Skincare Now

written by Global Glam June 16, 2016

You’ve cleaned out every closet, donated unwanted items, removed all clutter and scrubbed every crevice of your home. You look around your perfectly cleaned and organized space with great accomplishment and think to yourself that you did it– your Spring cleaning is finally done. Or is it? The truth is, you probably forgot something– your skincare. You may think that your products are still doing a great job or that you will eventually use that serum that you bought impulsively (and tried once 4 months ago), but the probability of that happening is slim-to-none. Certified esthetician and Director of Brand Development at InstaNaturals, Heather Wilson, explains why Spring Cleaning your skincare is imperative.


Why is it important to change your skincare regimen when the season changes?

Our skin goes through many changes throughout the year and seasonal shifts tend to make the biggest impact. When temperatures change, UV rays intensify or environmental allergens spike, our skin attempts to adapt and this can lead to multiple skin concerns. Changing your skin care routine to accommodate the change in seasons will help to alleviate seasonal skin challenges before they start.


What are the benefits of making those changes?
Being proactive with seasonal skin care changes can prevent multiple skin care concerns. Your oil levels will stay balanced, redness and irritation will remain calm, breakouts will be minimal, and you’ll keep your skin’s protective barrier strong. All of these lead to healthy and radiant skin year-round.


My routine seems to be working, why should I consider changing?
Instead of waiting for your skin to react to the seasonal changes, making small adjustments now will keep your skin healthy and prevent unwanted challenges from occurring.


On average, how long should skincare products be kept before discarding them?
Once the product is opened, twelve months is a good average. The biggest exceptions are eye care and sunscreens, as bacteria in eye products can cause unwanted infections and sunscreens lose efficacy over time.  To keep product collections under control, I clean out my cabinets every season and if I haven’t used it in six months, I toss it.


What should consumers be looking for when purchasing new products?
When spring season approaches, look out for products that include Vitamin C as it will protect your skin from sun damage and environmental allergens that can cause irritation. This is also a good time to look into a lighter daytime moisturizer to keep oil levels under control. Spring is also a great time to invest in a treatment mask to slough away the dry and dull skin cells that accumulated over the winter. Look for a mask with a hydrating base and alpha hydroxy acids like Lactic Acid. And although it is crucial for skin health all year, spring time is also an ideal time to boost (or add!) an SPF to your daily routine.

Insta Naturals Skin Brightening Serum

Insta Naturals Skin Brightening Serum, $14.95

What types of products do you recommend?
One of my go-to spring time products is InstaNatural’s Skin Brightening Serum because it contains Vitamin C for brightening and defense, Hyaluronic Acid for lightweight hydration and Niacinamide to soothe any irritation that may arise from allergens. I also love incorporating a hyaluronic acid infused gel-cream moisturizer along with a weekly exfoliating treatment such as our Rose Mask, which contains soothing aloe and brightening lactic acid. These products keep my skin exfoliated, brightened and hydrated during the seasonal shift.


Should my daytime routine differ from my nighttime routine?
Our skin goes into “recovery” mode at night, so a specific nighttime routine is extremely beneficial to maintain healthy skin. Since we aren’t exposed to the sun at night, we have the luxury of using ingredients such retinol or glycolic acid, which offer great anti-aging and skin brightening benefits. Our body temperature also increases as we sleep, which allows products to work more effectively but can also cause your skin to feel dry in the morning. Night creams are a great way to boost skin care results while also protecting your skin from potential dryness that can occur overnight. Using a richer moisturizer at night also keeps your skin hydrated, allowing you to wear a lighter moisturizer during the day.


Are there in-office treatments that you recommend doing prior to or after skincare spring cleaning?

Getting a professional skin treatment is a great way to refresh the skin between seasons. Avoid harsh treatments as they can make your skin sensitive to the sun. Look for an esthetician that offers mild peels and is trained in extractions. A professional facial is a great way to detoxify your skin, slough away dulling skin cells that have accumulated over the dry months and prep your skin for the upcoming season. For best results, be sure to disclose your skin concerns and current routine to the esthetician.

By Natayle Henry


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